Commercial Management


Give City Lights the responsibility of taking care of your commercial properties. A team of experienced professionals consistently deliver the best cost-effective and reliable services. Over the last ten years City Lights has established itself as one of the most successful property management service providers in the region. Carrying on with the expertise City Lights has now made a new addition to the list of services provided: commercial management. With this new addition we are optimistic and hopeful to provide the same professional and accurate services that we are known for.
We offer:


There are many types of commercial property and for each of these types we are fully educated in their usage, legal rights as well as responsibilities of the clients as well of the owners. In this capacity we are committed to provide an experience that is beneficial and simplistic for both parties. We have advanced in technology as well over the last few years and our remote access to the latest versions of software allow for the technicians to work efficiently and with maximum output. This helps us in delivering the goods in a prompt professional mattter.


City Lights is one of the oldest and most well known companies in the region. They have been functional fir decades and their portfolio attracts many customers who are new in this area. We bring a wealth of experience as well as knowledge of property management and how to succeed in this business. This has been made possible by the team of experienced professional, in-depth resources and high attention to the tiniest of details.


One of the best features of City Lights is that all services and functionalities are provided at the commercial location itself. All services including construction of buildings, parking lots etc are done on site so as to provide the client with a dynamic, trustworthy experience. For all these services we hire the best skilled, experience and professional personnel to carry out these duties efficiently in a professional manner.


In addition to the benefits explained above, City Lights also provides systemized as well as accurate administrative services to make sure that the property is being properly managed in lieu with the guidelines set out by the state. The administrative services include inspections of properties, maintaining records of properties, making drafts and carrying out execution of lease agreements, collecting rent, managing income and make payments regarding insurance and other invoices. This is made possible due to the fact that we have a strong and solid leasing source that also has a strong presence in the industry thus taking care of the publicity and marketing of the services in a positive way.


Marketing has been one of the strength of City Lights and the ever growing customer base is proof of that. We have been doing this for more than a decade now and we are sure that most of the best clients and tenants are well familiar with our name and work ethic. All marketing and advertising is handled by us ourselves. Our advertising strategy includes listing of property to showcase its strengths, the coordination of the showings, and responding to enquiries in a mature and professional manner.


The management of property is a testing and challenging task. As much experience as you may have, you need to take every step after many calculations and with much care to avoid any unforeseen circumstances. At City Lights we give guarantee of optimal solutions to existing problems and very carefully planned services.


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